So its been a while.

Yes its true, I's sort of left this blog without any real direction, any real info, any real substance and well, anything real. Well, this semester/year, IT WILL BE DIFFERENT. I've taken on the role of College Rock Director here at WPUB and im going to help make this station the station it should be. Listened to by all. I really do plan on doing a lot this semester with the station so hopefully itll be better then what we had last year. Ill be flying solo this semester. My partner in crime Ariella Angert has flown the coop to bigger and better things (also known as Nassau Community College). She will be in the studio in spirit, and maybe in person sometimes if she decides to visit. So anyway I digress, back to POP.IS.DEAD being the best college radio show in the world. So yeah, it will be. I promise, to you my loyal fans, to give you the best damn show, blog, myspace that you have ever seen.
Love always,
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